Niger: Alpha Blondy urges France to avoid triggering conflict

The artist Alpha Blondy has expressed his concern about the armed intervention by ECOWAS against Niger. Alpha Blondy called on the ECOWAS authorities to exercise restraint, insisting that such an intervention would be a serious mistake. Alpha Blondy warned of the geostrategic consequences of such a war.

Alpha Blondy did not hesitate to appeal directly to international and African leaders.

 He urged the French President to avoid triggering a conflict on the African continent. He asked the West not to interfere in African affairs.

Before concluding his remarks, the eminent artist suggested that rather than forming an army to fight their African brothers, the members of ECOWAS should come together to fight the terrorism that is rampant in several countries in the sub-region.

In a joint communiqué, the governments of Burkina Faso and Mali warned that any military intervention against Niger would be considered as a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali.

They warned that any military intervention against Niger would result in Burkina Faso and Mali withdrawing from ECOWAS, and adopting self-defence measures in support of the armed forces and people of Niger.