5 natural tips to get rid of bad breath

Within personal circles or the workplace, bad breath can have significant social repercussions. However, it is possible to combat this issue with effective natural remedies. Indeed, bad breath is caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria that release malodorous «volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) when present in significant quantities in the mouth». In addition to regular and rigorous oral hygiene, here are five natural solutions to address this problem.

Lemon Juice

Known for its antiseptic properties, lemon juice is an effective solution for achieving fresher breath.

Easy to prepare, this natural mouthwash only requires squeezing the juice from a lemon into a glass of water. Consume this remedy daily, and you’re good to go.

Cinnamon and Clove

Dried clove flowers are primarily used as a culinary spice, but in Asia, clove is renowned for its ability to freshen breath.

This spice is characterized by its antiseptic and anesthetic properties. Simply chew on a clove to prevent dental infections and improve breath.

Similar to clove, cinnamon has a strong natural aroma and antiseptic properties. To use, you can suck on a cinnamon stick that you can buy in bulk from specialty shops.

Cardamom or Anise

Cardamom or anise seeds are used to naturally prevent bad breath. Anise has the ability to destroy bacteria on the tongue.

 As for cardamom seeds, they have the power to aid digestion and neutralize bad breath. To use them, simply chew on cardamom or anise seeds without swallowing.

Infusions and Tea

Avoid coffee and opt for tea and infusions. Black tea has the potential to slow down the development of bacteria responsible for bad breath. It’s recommended to drink plenty of black tea, peppermint tea, or green mint tea to prevent the mouth from drying out and thus combat bad breath.


Rich in chlorophyll, parsley has the ability to eliminate digestive toxins and odors. Therefore, you can chew on a few leaves or make a natural parsley mouthwash. Prepare an infusion with parsley leaves.

Once it’s ready, let it cool down and you can use it to rinse your mouth without drinking it.