Togo: Education, a Priority in President Faure Gnassingbé’s Policy

The Togolese President, H.E.M. Faure Gnassingbé, intends to reorient and transform the education system to meet the needs of the economy and the goals of sustainable and concerted development. According to President Faure Gnassingbé, a successful educational journey should lead to access to well-paid employment.

According to the government’s roadmap, the education system will be adapted to Togo’s priorities and development objectives, the real needs of the economy, and the job market, with a particular focus on promising fields.

President Faure Gnassingbé has already established learning and practical and vocational training structures in all prefectures of the country to address this challenge.

The Ministry of Technical Education and Crafts supports the Head of State with initiatives that align with his vision for education.

To strengthen the sustainability of the achievements of the Program for Technical and Vocational Training and Youth Employment and enable centers and institutions to continue learning together, a new network has been launched. This network serves as a true development tool for training institutions and centers.

Under the instructions of President Faure Gnassingbé, Minister Kokou Eke Hodin of Technical Education and Crafts convened the heads of Technical and Vocational Training institutions under the Ministry of Technical Education and Crafts to take action within the framework of this project.

«I am particularly pleased to launch this network, which, I am convinced, will help technical and vocational training centers and institutions move towards strengthening technical and professional capacities that will benefit learners and economic actors», stated Minister Kokou Eke Hodin at the network launch.

The network’s launch perfectly aligns with the objectives of President Faure Gnassingbé. This new network also opens a new era for sharing the knowledge gained from training sessions and capacity-building among all centers and institutions in the sub-sector.

 This will further boost the success rate of learners, stimulate income and employment growth.

Yoann Amouzou