Burkina Faso: End of Activities for a Presumed Criminal Group

Under the leadership of Captain Traoré, criminals no longer have a place. Through his firm commitment to ensuring security in all its forms for Burkinabe citizens, law enforcement agencies are working day and night to apprehend any individuals or groups that disturb the peace of the peaceful population . In this regard, the officers of the Police Department of the Third District of Ouagadougou have put an end to the illegal activities of a presumed criminals group who were operating in Rimkiéta, Kilwin, Bas-Yam, Saaba, and Pouytenga.

This presumed criminals group group, consisting of four members, specialized in theft with assault or burglary, as indicated by the national police in a statement published on their Facebook page.

Their modus operandi involved breaking into the homes of their targets to steal valuable items, especially motorcycles. The stolen vehicles were then sold after undergoing a “cleaning” process.

«The serial numbers of the stolen motorcycles were modified by some of them, who also took responsibility for producing fake vehicle registration certificates (CMC) for sale on the market, either directly to customers or to receivers residing in other locations in the country», the national police stated in their publication.

Thanks to the investigations, the police were able to apprehend these lawless individuals, all of whom had previous criminal records. Their arrest led to the seizure of motorcycles, a tricycle, USB keys, and household appliances.

Moussa Kafou