Togo/President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé supports rural populations in the AVE to stimulate agricultural development in the country

As part of his vision to promote sustainable development in Togo, President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé has reaffirmed his commitment to rural populations in the AVE prefecture. By doing that, he stimulates the agricultural development Togo. Actually, he sees agriculture as a crucial driver of the country’s economic and social progress. So, he strongly encourages his fellow citizens to pay special attention to this major priority.

President Gnassingbé is fully aware of the challenges faced by rural populations, particularly farmers, such as limited access to resources, inadequate infrastructure, and outdated agricultural techniques.

To address these issues and support the agricultural sector, the President has launched a series of initiatives aimed at modernizing agriculture and improving the livelihoods of farmers.

The AVE prefecture has been identified as a strategic region for the country’s agricultural development due to its agricultural potential and natural resources.

As part of his support for rural populations, President Gnassingbé personally visited the AVE in order to familiarize himself with the local realities and engage in discussions with farmers.

This initiative demonstrates his personal commitment to not lose sight of the importance of the agricultural development of Togo.

During his visit, the President announced the implementation of concrete measures to support agriculture in the region.

This includes investments in agricultural infrastructure, such as improving irrigation systems and constructing modern storage warehouses.

Training programs will also be established to assist farmers in adopting better agricultural practices and using innovative techniques to increase their productivity.

President Faure Gnassingbé emphasized that support for agriculture is not limited to food production but also encompasses agro-food processing and the marketing of agricultural products.

By encouraging the creation of agricultural enterprises and access to markets, he aims to stimulate economic growth in rural areas and reduce poverty.

The Head of State Faure highlights his commitment to the rural populations of the AVE and his unwavering support for agriculture as a driver of Togo’s development.

This major priority reflects his vision of promoting sustainable and equitable development for all Togolese, leveraging the country’s abundant agricultural resources.

He invites his people to join him in this collective effort to build a prosperous future for Togo.

Yoann Amouzou