Burkina Faso: Several million Burkinabe people took to the streets to support the President of the Burkinabe Revolution, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

In Burkina Faso on July 1st, 2023, the postponed grand support mobilization of the Burkinabe Revolution led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré took place. The initial rally occurred on May 6th in major cities across the country, and for this event, several million Burkinabe people have mobilized.

The purpose of this grand rally, according to the Burkinabe people, is to provide unwavering support to President of the Burkinabe Revolution, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, and the brave soldiers.

It aims to congratulate Captain Ibrahim Traoré for the achievements made since his arrival and to encourage him for the future work. Furthermore, it seeks to reaffirm to the national and international community that it is the Burkinabe people themselves who have given legitimacy to Captain Traoré, as they identify with the decisions made by the transitional authorities.

Most importantly, this support mobilization calls upon all Burkinabe people, regardless of their affiliations, to unite behind the Transition for a final victory against all enemies of the nation’s integrity.

Within the massive crowd gathered at the “Place de la Nation” in Ouagadougou, a large poster bears the inscription in bold letters, with a podium set up beneath it: «Yes to the revision of the constitution. No to French politics in Burkina Faso. No to Western politics. Only the struggle liberates».

We could read on the banners carried by the demonstrators: « Supporting the Burkinabe Revolution of Captain Ibrahim Traoré is a patriotic act! »

« Make some noise for the VDP. Make some noise for the Dozos. When it comes to the homeland, the Dozos do not play. Dozo Dozo Dozo… Make some noise for the FDS (Defense and Security Forces), make some noise for the traditional chiefs. There’s something important we’ve forgotten. What a crime of lese-majeste», laments the speaker before shouting, « Make some noise for the Koglweogo. Make some noise, make some noise». « Now, there’s someone great, and who is it? » asks the speaker to the crowd before chanting loudly, «Captain Ibrahim Traoré, Captain, Captain…»

In the presence of several million demonstrators, the “Place de la Nation” in Ouagadougou is filled with expressions of support for the transition through music, whistles, and the noise of the crowd.

Hadja Kourouma