Africa/Gabon: When the International NGO ANA Prevented a Post-Electoral Crisis in 2016 and Rebuked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Seven years later, as the presidential elections approach in Gabon, our editorial team looks back at the actions of the International NGO ANA «Aimons Notre Afrique (Let’s love our Africa)» , which helped prevent a post-electoral crisis and save thousands of lives.

Eight months prior to the elections in Gabon, the International NGO “Aimons Notre Afrique” initiated an awareness campaign promoting fair play and encouraged the Gabonese population to embrace unity and fair play during the announcement of results.

It is worth noting that the 2016 elections in Gabon were highly tense, with the candidate supported by France, Mr. Jean PING, competing against Ali Bongo.

The various plots orchestrated by France were exposed by the network of the International NGO “Aimons Notre Afrique” until the results were announced.

After the announcement of the results, the unsuccessful candidate, Jean PING, called for a recount of the votes, gaining support from the international community.

At that time, French President François Hollande and Prime Minister Emmanuel Valls demanded a closed-door discussion at the UN on the matter.

Following the closed-door session obtained by France in New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon officially demanded a recount of the votes from the Gabonese Constitutional Court.

On the same day as the Secretary-General’s statement, the President of ANA Africa, Mr. Harouna Douamba, took a stance by organizing an international press conference and writing an open letter to the UN, which circulated worldwide within seconds.

This prompted the UN Secretary-General to issue another statement, urging Mr. Jean PING to trust the decision of the Constitutional Court.

The President of ANA Africa referred to the 2010 elections in Côte d’Ivoire, where Jean PING, at that time President of the African Union Commission, supported Alassane Ouattara as the winner and opposed a vote recount requested by the unsuccessful candidate, Laurent Gbagbo. This decision by Jean PING was supported by the international community.

So why, in 2016, did Jean PING, in a similar position as Laurent Gbagbo, request a vote recount, while France demanded a closed-door session for the UN to demand a recount?

President Harouna Douamba persisted and questioned UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about this policy of double standards, recalling the events of 2010.

The UN reversed its decision, and a crisis was averted in Gabon as all of France’s allies withdrew their support for candidate Jean PING.

The actions of the International NGO “Aimons Notre Afrique” were commended by the then Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, who stated that he was not aware of this information. The International NGO “Aimons Notre Afrique” was praised.

Following this action by ANA, the African non-governmental organization was labeled as non-compliant by the French authorities simply because it refuses any funding associated with corruption in order to maintain its independence.

ANA NGO continues to stand by oppressed peoples and support leaders who aspire to a better future for their populations.

Fernand Kokou