Togo/Counterterrorism: The country joins the Global Coalition against Daesh.

Togo has joined the Global Coalition in the fight against the terrorist group Daesh, becoming the 86th member country. This membership represents a unique partnership comprising over 80 governments and institutions working to weaken and defeat the terrorist group, which has been increasingly active in West Africa. The accession took place in Riyadh during a ministerial meeting of the coalition.

Togo was represented by its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Dussey. During the ministerial meeting, participants discussed the emergence of Daesh affiliates operating in West Africa, the Sahel, East Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa. Ministers welcomed the Republic of Togo as a new member of the Coalition, bringing the total number of members to 86.

 The partners of the Global coalition against Daesh reaffirmed their continued support for counterterrorism efforts in Africa, Iraq, Syria, and South and Central Asia, demonstrating the broad scope and sustained commitment of the Coalition to reduce Daesh’s capabilities.

Regarding sub-Saharan Africa, ministers discussed the emergence of Daesh-affiliated terrorist groups operating in West Africa, the Sahel, East Africa, and Central and Southern Africa.

Ministers commended the work of the Global Coalition’s Africa Focus Group and highlighted the agreement reached in Niamey, Niger, in March 2023 to hold the Coalition’s first event in the sub-Saharan Africa region.

The ministers also approved the action plan of the Africa Focus Group, adopted in Niamey, which calls on members to cooperate in enhancing strategic communication and civilian-led counterterrorism capacities in Africa.

They emphasized the need to counter malign military forces, separatist groups, and non-state actors that undermine counterterrorism cooperation and destabilize regional security.

Yannick H.