Burkina Faso: Around fifty terrorists neutralized in an attack on a supply convoy

A group of assailants, estimated at around a hundred according to security sources, ambushed a food supply convoy on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, in the vicinity of Tibou (Loroum). The convoy was on its way to Titao.

The military units escorting the convoy wasted no time in responding. The 12th Commando Infantry Regiment, supported by the 2nd Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR), swiftly counterattacked, neutralizing several individuals among the terrorist ranks.

« At least 50 of them have been neutralized», stated the army’s report.

However, the statement lamented the death of two civilians who were part of the part of the convoy, as well as eight other injured individuals who have been evacuated for medical care.

It is worth noting that the national armed forces have declared war on the forces of evil on multiple fronts in order to liberate the entire national territory.

According to the latest statement by Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister, Apollinaire Kelyem de Tambèla, 65% of the territory is under the full control of the armed forces. However, 20% still remain difficult to access for Burkinabe soldiers due to insecurity caused by assailants’ groups that are still active there, as well as rampant banditry. This was addressed before the transitional legislative assembly on Tuesday, May 30.

For this reason, the Burkinabe army provides escorts for numerous convoys to supply these areas of Burkina Faso that have not yet been liberated.

Yannick H