Burkina Faso: The Living Human Treasures of Burkina Faso (LHT) received by the Head of State

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, received this Monday morning, in audience the Living Human Treasures (LHT) of Burkina Faso.

The delegation came to thank the Head of State for the distinction of being elevated to the rank of Knight of the Order of Merit. This, as individuals who hold authentic knowledge and expertise in the field of culture during the 20th edition of the National Culture Week.

According to the spokesperson of the LHT, Mr. Titinga Frédéric PACERE, «These men who hold knowledge, expertise, and culture» see this distinction as a recognition of their work and this audience as an honor towards them.

«For the most part, we were honored, for the first time since the creation of the Living Human Treasures 10 years ago, to meet with our Head of State. This encourages us to do everything we can to preserve our cultural heritage», rejoiced Me Titinga Frédéric Pacere, the spokesperson for the Living Human Treasures.

«The African man is first and foremost culture. That is why if we have instituted the Living Human Treasures it is precisely because they embody culture, but above all because they make culture known, develop culture, and teach culture», said the spokesperson.

In this regard, the LHTs have the mission of working to train a new generation to participate more actively in the promotion of culture and cultural know-how.

During this audience, they presented the Head of State with gifts reflecting their know-how and contribution to the war effort.

The Living Human Treasures are individuals who possess a high level of knowledge and know-how to interpret and recreate specific elements of our country’s intangible heritage.
