Burkina Faso:  Altering evidence against Burkina, Amnesty International on its turn to be manipulated

Altering evidence against Burkina, Amnesty International also manipulated. «This investigation must be conducted fairly and independently so that those responsible for war crimes and other serious violations are brought to justice in accordance with the standards of a fair trial»: Statement of Samira Daoud’s statement as Director of Amnesty International for West and Central Africa.

Two major questions arise from the above statement.

The first question is that if Amnesty International believes that there has not yet been a valid investigation that can accurately establish responsibility for the tragedy in Karma, then why is it at the same time presenting alleged testimonies gathered from various sources as absolute truths?

Indeed, the government announced on April,22th that an investigation was underway and the results have not been yet communicated, why is Amnesty international jumping into this matter by directly blaming one party without having any concrete evidence?

The second question that arises is what is the purpose of this inflammatory post against the transitional government aimed at sowing discord among the population?

Coming from an organization that should normally distinguish itself by its impartiality, its insane.

The answer to these two questions can be summarized in one word: France.

The media circus orchestrated by French intelligence services (DGSE) continues, and in this case, it involves so-called international institutions that are at its beck and call, turning them like weather vanes to carry out its dirty work on the continent.

The objective is to discredit all opponents in the eyes of public opinion while being the ones who started the fire.

Unfortunately, this situation is not new to the valiant fighters for freedom in Burkina. The maneuver is already known since it has been used in Libya, Mali, during the Rwandan genocide, in the Central African Republic, and in Côte d’Ivoire, under rebel occupation. The process remains the same.

Indeed, through its armed branches, the French State creates and fuels the fire in one place while making sure to pin the blame on its adversary.

 The next step is to activate propaganda organs such as the media and relay organizations at its disposal, such as Amnesty International. These have the aim of creating a narrative that can be sold to the international community.

 A narrative of lies that will corroborate rumors spread here and there…

The whole thing creates an illusion of evidence to support the lies. As expected, Amnesty International voluntarily fell into this trap and relayed the echo of those who actually finance terrorist groups and pose a threat to peace.

«We are vigilant. We will not let anything pass», warns the government. « The schemes of the past will no longer be tolerated», it continues.

The transitional government completely rejects this lying report from Amnesty International and invites this organization to be more cautious in its statements about the Karma affair.

To the Burkinabe people, the government reaffirms its commitment to uncovering the truth about what happened in KARMA.

Long live the Burkina!

Yannick H.