Burkina Faso: “United we stand divided we fall”

Unity is the most powerful arm that the Burkinabe people can use to achieve the ultimate victory. The Western powers know the efficacity and the virtue of national Unity.

That’s why since colonial times, they have been using the strategy of “divide and conquer” to maintain control over African peoples.

Despite obtaining independence, former colonizers have continued to undermine national unity. This, by using regional, ethnic, and community affiliations as arguments to incite unnecessary conflicts.

They use tactics such as manipulation and misinformation to reinforce these divisions and weaken the nations.

The consequences of the use of these dark methods to divide Africans are a lot. We have not only the loss of human lives but also the continent’s developmental lag compared to the rest of the world.

It is for this reason that pan-Africanists and patriotic and revolutionary leaders have chosen to engage in an unwavering struggle for the liberation of African states, so that they may obtain their sovereignty.

Among these leaders we have Captain Ibrahim Traoré. Upon taking office, the officer immediately waged an uncompromising fight against all the obstacles hindering Burkina Faso’s development.

He declared war against jihadist groups, corruption, and domination.

The country is diversifying partnerships to address the security crisis and its corollary, the humanitarian crisis. Meanwhile, it is also getting rid of partnerships that sow division, serve the cause of terrorists, and further undermine the fight against terrorism.

In addition to relying on armed struggle, the Transitional President is also emphasizing social cohesion to overcome terrorism.

He is making numerous appeals for unity and solidarity among the population.

It’s time for populations to realize that the enemy does not tire of ruining them, through allegations of defamation of fighters and leaders. His intention is to prevent progress towards the dream of a free, peaceful, stable, and prosperous country.

Only national unity and unwavering support for the authorities and combat forces can bring an end to terrorism and imperialism.

 Yannick H.