CAR / Touadera declares war on his people: The price of petroleum products at the pump soars.

After the embezzlement scandals proven by his entourage, which in a few years has become billionaires, as an example, the Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Mr. PIRI, who is none other than the nephew of President Touadera, counted among the first five billionaires of the Central African Republic, cited in the scandals of embezzlement of petroleum products, intended for the Central African people. President Touadera, himself cited as the protector of his mafia friend Sani Yalo, in turn cited in several cases of embezzlement of hydrocarbons, faithful friend of the Minister of Energy, these strategists in embezzlement of public funds, have ended up emptying the coffers of the state and decided to make the Central African population pay the price.

This increase is nothing more than a declaration of war to the Central African people. Who had placed their trust in President Touadera? The increase in the price of petroleum products is a blow to the Central African population.

In the coming days, economic operators will have the choice between increasing prices on the market or stopping their activities, because the prices of petroleum products will have an impact on the cost of living and all socio-economic activities. The Central African people are going from hope to despair, with the government forcing money into the state coffers.

In a normal country, the population would have to take to the streets to make themselves heard and simply demand the head of these leaders. Because this increase looks like an economic crime, in a country where the majority of the population does not have enough to eat.

Miss OLY