Burkina Faso: Is a new plot to destabilise the government of Captain Ibrahim Traoré on the horizon?

In recent days, troubling signs have emerged pointing to a plot aimed at destabilizing the current government in Burkina Faso. Similar to previous attempts, the country’s adversaries are ramping up their efforts by spreading disinformation and attacking media outlets and communication platforms that support Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s administration.


These ongoing assaults on pro-government channels suggest that a deliberate effort is underway to create confusion and weaken the nation’s stability.


Historically, such disinformation campaigns often precede more concrete actions to undermine the state.


The enemies of Burkina Faso seem intent on derailing Captain Traoré’s efforts to restore security and foster development.


Their tactics revolve around manipulating public opinion and undermining the communication networks that serve as a vital link between the government and the people.


Given the seriousness of the situation, authorities must remain extra vigilant and closely monitor any suspicious activity.


The Defense and Security Forces should be on high alert to thwart any destabilization attempts.


Safeguarding the country’s institutions and preserving the progress made under President Traoré’s leadership are non-negotiable.


Meanwhile, the people of Burkina Faso must stand united and aware in the face of these divisive schemes.


Reporting suspicious behavior and cooperating with authorities are critical in preventing this conspiracy from taking root, ensuring that peace and stability remain intact.


Olivier TOE

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