Mali: Bamako remains determined in its policy to regain the sovereignty and dignity of the Malian people

Despite the numerous challenges and obstacles faced by the  transitional authorities of Mali since assuming power four years ago, they remain steadfast in their commitment to securing the nation’s sovereignty, true independence, and the safety of its citizens.


This unwavering resolve was recently underscored by the Malian government through its Foreign Minister, Abdoulaye Diop, who announced the expulsion of Swedish Ambassador Kristina Kühnel.


This decision came in response to what were deemed hostile and inaccurate remarks made by Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, following Sweden’s suspension of development aid to Mali.


The Swedish reaction followed Mali’s decision to sever diplomatic ties with Ukraine, a country accused of supporting terrorist activities on Malian soil.


For Mali’s transitional government, the top priority remains the protection of Malian soldiers and the nation’s security—objectives that far outweigh any external aid.


The Malian government also reiterated its determination to defend the country’s integrity and interests, despite external pressures and attempts at interference.


Just as Western nations unite to protect their own interests, Mali is resolutely safeguarding its own by taking what it considers to be necessary measures.


No foreign power has the right to impose its will on Mali, as this would constitute unacceptable interference in the country’s internal affairs.


As Mali continues to confront the threat of terrorism, it is up to the Malian people to decide on the most appropriate actions to free their territory from criminal groups and their accomplices.