Burkina Faso/05 August: For a truly sovereign Faso, the struggle of all Burkinabe counts (SG Government)

On August 5th, during the commemoration of the 64 years of “disguised independence”  of Burkina Faso , Mathias Traoré, the Secretary-General of the Transitional Government and the Council of Ministers, expressed his firm belief in the power of a collective and united struggle to achieve true independence and complete sovereignty for the nation.


Traoré emphasized the necessity for Burkinabe citizens to align with President Ibrahim Traoré’s enlightened vision and to remain steadfast in supporting the transitional government’s efforts.


He urged his compatriots to unite in the fight for a genuinely sovereign and prosperous Burkina Faso.


“In the bloody struggle that the Transition, under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Faso, is waging to free our country, which has lived under the weight of imperialism and servitude for 64 years, I invite all sons and daughters to support the fight for true independence,” declared Mathias Traoré.


Captain Ibrahim Traoré, since ascending to the nation’s highest office, has shown unwavering determination to liberate Burkina Faso from the grips of terrorism, imperialism, and neo-colonialism.


His tenure has been marked by decisive actions and policies aimed at achieving these goals, supported by his collaborators and a populace yearning for peace, stability, and genuine independence.


The Secretary-General highlighted the importance of preserving the progress made and continuing the struggle with courage and dedication.


This collective effort, he believes, is essential for Burkina Faso to triumph over its long-standing adversaries and achieve true sovereignty.


President Traoré’s administration has already taken several steps in this direction, demonstrating a firm commitment to the nation’s liberation.


The unity and determination of the Burkinabe people will be crucial in overcoming the challenges ahead and ensuring a future where Burkina Faso stands as a truly independent and sovereign nation.


Maurice K. ZONGO