23rd session of the Conseil de l’Entente (Council of Accord): Lomé discusses the 2024 budget and the strategic plan

The city of Lomé is hosting the 23rd ordinary session of the Committee of Experts of the Conseil de l’ Entente, which will focus primarily on examining the budget for the 2024 financial year and the future strategic plan.

The four-day meeting, which precedes the 21st Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers scheduled for 16 December, will examine various documents relating to the organisation’s activities, including the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan and the draft 2024-2026 Multiannual Expenditure and Performance Programme.

Afo Salifou, Secretary General of Togo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed his satisfaction with the future plan, underlining its commitment to addressing emerging issues in the region.

He added that the Conseil de l’Entente aims to reinvent itself with a new vision, positioning itself as an operationally efficient, resilient organisation focused on social transformation and sustainable development.

The recommendations made at this session will be examined and adopted at the meeting of the ministers of the Conseil de l’Entente, which includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger and Togo.