mars 10, 2025

Mali : Soon a solution to the energy crisis gripping the country

For some time now, the Malian people have been facing an unprecedented energy crisis due to the mismanagement of previous governments before the transitional one. To consider a way out of the crisis, several proposals are currently on the government’s agenda, including one from the World Bank.

Last Wednesday, the Transitional President, Colonel Assimi Goïta, received a significant delegation from the World Bank for West and Central Africa, led by its Vice President, Ousmane DIAGANA.

Discussions focused on their cooperation with Mali, a country of great importance to the World Bank, with which it has collaborated for a long time. During the discussions, several topics were addressed, including the energy crisis currently paralyzing the activities of Malian economic operators.

The first step is to find a short-term solution before considering another one that is more sustainable. « The energy crisis we have found in Mali must be resolved or addressed as soon as possible. The World Bank has offered its assistance to Mali to find short-term solutions, and then we will work with Mali on medium and long-term solutions », said the head of the World Bank delegation, Ousmane Diagana.

Given that entire neighborhoods in Bamako and cities throughout the country are often without electricity for 24 hours or more, the Malian government has already begun to work towards a solution, with the support of the World Bank.

It is worth noting that on Thursday, February 22, 2024, during the recording of Mali Kura Taasira 2 at the CICB, Prime Minister Choguel Maïga once again reassured the public about a solution that will be implemented within a short period.

Karim Koné

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