mars 10, 2025

Senegal : A « red, white, and blue » alternation on the horizon ?

In Senegal, the abrogation of the decree summoning the electoral body, signifying a postponement of the presidential election by decision of Macky Sall, is viewed by public opinion as an electoral power play. This maneuver, familiar from a Western power, paints a scenario akin to what happened in Gabon, paving the way for the advent of a military regime concocted by French authorities.

It is indeed a moment of constitutional coup d’état orchestrated by France, given that Macky Sall signed the decree postponing the Presidential Election scheduled for February 25, 2024. This decree effectively allows French authorities to act as they please and decide on the « alternance »in Senegal.

The decision on Saturday by the outgoing President, Macky Sall, to postpone the Presidential Election has been criticized both within the Senegalese political class and among the population. Even within the presidential camp, this decision is not unanimous.

In this fraught climate, Macky Sall is calling for « …an open national dialogue, in order to create the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election ».

Why would Senegal need an open national dialogue after such an electoral power play just hours before the start of the electoral campaign ?

From the governance of certain African Heads of State, it seems as if the people are deceived at every turn, willing to swallow whatever the leader serves on the imperialist platter. Who could have predicted such an act from Macky Sall, who is about to enter the history of Political Alternation in Senegal ?

Yet, at the end of December, the outgoing Head of State had assured that he would hand over power in April to the elected candidate following the presidential election. But France wants to impose its « alternance » on Senegal, similar to what happened in Gabon, to establish a democrautre that would only serve its interests. Therefore, it is up to the people to exercise extreme vigilance to thwart the ongoing machination.

It is a maneuver to buy time to find a trusted man within the army, one who has pledged singular allegiance to France, to lead Senegal.

To ensure that true alternation cannot take place, risking that France also loses Senegal, like Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, Macky Sall is fiercely playing Paris’ game.

So to maintain chaos while perpetuating France’s plan, the outgoing Head of State orders the invalidation of certain candidacies, thus creating a conflict between the National Assembly and the Constitutional Council.

In fact, the political impasse plays into the hands of France, especially the clashes between opposition supporters and law enforcement, which France and the international community are gleefully commenting on. Moreover, Macky Sall shuts down mobile data internet in several neighborhoods of the country while the text on postponing the election is presented in a preparatory committee proposing to delay the election.

A report was even presented Sunday in a preparatory committee proposing to postpone the election for six months or even a year in order to « prevent institutional instability and serious political unrest » and to conduct « a complete review of the electoral process ».

According to public opinion, these reasons, described as « nonsense » at the highest levels of the State in favor of an imperialist power, do not justify the postponement of the election.

While France takes its time to decide Senegal’s fate, the people have a duty to prevent their Constitution and Institutions from being plundered by imperialism.

For now, the bill implementing Macky Sall’s announcement to postpone the election for up to six months is being voted on in the Assembly. But the approval of this text requires a three-fifths majority of the 165 deputies, which is not yet guaranteed.

It could almost be said that the Senegalese people have an interest in this text not being adopted by the National Assembly and submitted to a Constitutional Court instrumentalized by Paris.

It is also a good sign for France that the people’s representatives waste time bickering over the date of the election postponement to distract them from the essentials, which would be to hold the election on February 25, 2024, for a successful alternation. Why, amid this turmoil, do the authorities not organize a referendum to let the people decide whether to postpone or not ?

Several opposition candidates have already announced Sunday to the press and on social media before the internet data cut-off that they will ignore President Macky Sall’s decision and proceed with the launch of their electoral campaign as planned.

Opposition leader Khalifa Sall, one of the main presidential candidates, called on the entire country on Saturday to « rise up »against the postponement of the election. Some opposition figures and presidential candidates were even arrested while participating in protest movements.

According to some experts, it is necessary to reclaim this confiscated freedom instead of taking to the streets of Dakar again.

Reinatou Diallo

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