DRC: H.E. Judith Suminwa Tuluka presides over the closing ceremony of a MONUSCO base

The Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Judith Suminwa Tuluka, was present in Bukavu, South Kivu province, to preside over the closing ceremony of a MONUSCO base.


This withdrawal of the UN peacekeeping force was authorized by the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2717, adopted at the request of the Congolese Government.


This closure is part of a series of progressive withdrawals by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).


The decision follows a joint assessment of the security needs and the capability of the Congolese national forces to maintain stability in the region.


The departure of MONUSCO from Bukavu marks a significant step for the Congolese government, which aims to take on greater responsibility for security and peacekeeping.


Judith Suminwa Tuluka’s presence at the ceremony highlights the government’s commitment to strengthening local capacities and addressing the security needs of the population.


With the closure of this base, Congolese authorities will need to intensify their efforts to ensure security and stability in South Kivu, a region often plagued by armed conflicts and civil unrest.


The MONUSCO withdrawal could also promote deeper dialogue between local and international stakeholders to find sustainable solutions to the region’s security challenges.


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Gilbert Fotso