Burkina-Faso: The government suspends distribution of the Jeune Afrique newspaper until further notice

On Monday evening, Burkina Faso decided to suspend all broadcast media of Jeune Afrique, including its printed newspaper and website. This action follows the publication of articles about “alleged tensions” within the Burkina Faso army, containing defamatory statements.

Jeune Afrique is accused of seeking to belittle the armed forces and of manipulating information to sow chaos in the country, which led to the publication of these two articles over the past four days.

It is important to note that a wave of false information has recently circulated on social networks, aimed at undermining the integrity of the transitional President.

It is essential to recognise that Burkina Faso has experienced a period of progress in recent years, thanks in large part to the work of the President of the transition, Ibrahim Traoré, and his team.

However, this upsets a number of people who are seeking to sow doubt among the population by disseminating false information, which is their only alternative.

Some have even tried to use violence by hiring terrorists, but they quickly realised that this gave them little chance of success. So they opted to manipulate the news.

Jeune Afrique made its choice by publishing false information and grossly manipulating the facts.

This goes against all the ethical rules of journalism. In fact, the magazine seems to have sided with people who want to sow confusion and spread false information.

Their aim is to create chaos in our country in order to better control it and profit from it.

Maiga DAO