mars 4, 2025

Togo: Legislative and Regional Elections / Peaceful conduct of the polls, successful mission of togolese authorities

Pending the results of the legislative and regional elections on April 29th in Togo, Togolese citizens unanimously agree on the successful organization of the elections and the smooth conduct of the vote.

According to election observation missions, some political parties, the population, the double election took place in a peaceful and secure atmosphere. The Head of State, Faure Gnassingbé, after fulfilling his duty as a Togolese citizen, praised the peaceful conduct of the vote across the entire national territory.

It is therefore a successful outcome for the Togolese government, which, since the electoral process began, has doubled its efforts and mandated all involved actors for the success of the double election, a first in Togo. All actors played their part for a successful organization.

The CENI, the HAAC, the FOSELR, political parties, stakeholders, civil society, and the population, everyone’s role was crucial in organizing this election, which is of paramount importance for the political and democratic future of Togo.

For your information, more than 4.2 million Togolese citizens were called to the polls to fulfill their civic duty in serenity for the consolidation of democratic achievements.

Read also: Togo: The HAAC, Media regulatory authority, plays its role for a peaceful electoral process

Justine Akolatsey

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