février 22, 2025

Burkina Faso : Artisanal mining suspended by government

The Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Quarries suspended, on Tuesday, February 20th, the authorization for the export of gold and other precious substances from artisanal and semi-mechanized production, as stated in a press release.

According to the document, this suspension comes in the context of the need to clean up the mining sector in Burkina Faso, reflecting the government’s desire to better organize the marketing of gold and other precious substances.

« During this suspension period, mining stakeholders who have quantities to export are required to contact the National Company of Precious Substances (SONASP), which will handle their payment », the statement said.

The same note emphasizes that the ministry relies on the collaboration and civility of all stakeholders to execute the terms of the said press release.

Artisanal gold mining began in the late 1980s, following major droughts that led to the impoverishment of the population, particularly rural communities. It was this population that found in these activities a means of survival.

Today, artisanal gold mining goes beyond mere survival. It holds a certain interest for the state, as the gold produced by artisanal mining constitutes the country’s third-largest export product.

That is why the state is trying to better organize these artisanal mining activities and establish more profitable small-scale mining operations.

This organization will benefit the miners, whose major difficulties will be taken into account.

Sadia Nyaoré

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