février 23, 2025

TOGO : Entry to scientific high schools in Lomé and Kara conditioned by competition

In Togo, students will now have to pass a national recruitment exam before accessing scientific high schools in Lomé and Kara. The government has just decided on this measure for the 2022-2023 school year.

The new measure by the authorities for the competition requires the submission of application files to the Regional Directorates of Education in Lomé, Tsévié, Kpalimé, Atakpamé, Sokodé, Kara, and Dapaong.

However, the eligibility condition for the competition is to be 17 years old at most on the date of the competition, to have passed the Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle (BEPC) session of 2022, with an average score equal to or greater than 16/20.

The competition will take place in Lomé (Lycée de Tokoin), Tsévié (Lycée de Tsévié), Kpalimé (Lycée de Kpodzi), Atakpamé (Lycée d’Atakpamé), Sokodé (Lycée de Sokodé), Kara (Lycée Kara 1), and Dapaong (Lycée de Nassablé) from August 16th to 26th, 2024. The number of places open to the competition is a total of 101, distributed between the Scientific High School of Lomé (60 places including 25 girls and 35 boys) and the Scientific High School of Kara (41 places including 17 girls and 24 boys).

« The selection of students will be done in two phases, a preselection phase and a written exam phase. The preselection will be based on the grades obtained in mathematics, physical sciences, French, and English, in the fourth and third grades on one hand, and in the BEPC exam on the other hand », indicates the official statement.

The competition will include two tests, namely a written mathematics test, duration 2 hours, coefficient 2, and a written physical sciences test, duration 2 hours, coefficient 2. Admissible candidates will be subjected to a medical check-up to attest that they do not suffer from any contagious or chronic disease.

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