Africa: Here’s how the continent is fighting the effects of climate change.

Countries around the world are feeling the effects of climate change, which are affecting their communities. In Africa, migration induced by slow-onset events such as drought, desertification, deforestation, water scarcity, floods, has increased in frequency and severity in recent decades due to the adverse effects of climate change.The 113th session of the Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), held from 29 November to 2 December 2022, provided an opportunity for African leaders to present the situation in States.
The African continent is facing a humanitarian crisis due to the effects of climate change. The negative impacts of this scourge and related shocks are already evident in West, East and Southern Africa. Droughts, water scarcity and rainfall variability, for example, are regularly very pronounced in these subregions.In Nigeria, the effects of climate change are striking, including frequent massive floods, destroying nearly 300,000 hectares of arable land and forcing 3 million people into exile.
Sudan is also facing intensifying ethnic tensions that fuel migration flows, amid strong population growth putting pressure on land. Climate change is increasing these tensions and thus conflicts, further increasing the number of internally displaced people.
For its part, Zimbabwe has implemented an action plan to assist internally displaced persons facing food insecurity. This, in response to the immediate needs of communities affected by the effects of climate change, with 86 million climate refugees by 2050, the African continent could become the region of the world most affected by climate change, according to the Groundswell Africa Report published in October 2021.
Miss OLY