Burkina Faso / Burkina Faso’s fighting forces: a fierce and commendable battle against terrorism

Under the leadership of President Captain Ibrahim Traoré, Burkina Faso’s Defense and Security Forces (FDS), supported by the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), are setting a commendable example in the fight against terrorism.


With relentless pursuit, these forces have left terrorists with no safe havens, bringing the nation closer to a final victory.


Through a rigorous and effective offensive strategy, Burkinabe fighters have successfully deprived terrorist groups of any sanctuary.


This significant progress, however, is unsettling for imperialists and their local allies, who are bent on destabilizing the country.


Recent disinformation campaigns by French media outlets such as RFI, France 24, and Jeune Afrique highlight this agenda.


These media sources disseminate biased and manipulative information, aiming to sow division and confusion among the Burkinabe population.


In the face of these challenges, it is crucial for the people to continue supporting the Defense and Security Forces and the VDP in their tireless efforts against terrorism.


Their dedication and bravery deserve unwavering recognition and support. Despite attempts to destabilize the nation, Burkina Faso is steadily moving towards peace and security, a prospect that alarms those who do not wish to see the country prosper.


Olivier TOE