Mali / Mining reforms: Towards inclusive and sustainable resource management under the leadership of Colonel Assimi Goita

Under the leadership of Colonel Assimi Goita, Mali is undergoing significant reforms aimed at ensuring that the country’s mineral resources benefit the entire population rather than a privileged few, as was the case under previous regimes.


During a cabinet meeting held this Wednesday, major initiatives were launched to reform the legislative and regulatory framework of the mining sector.


These reforms include revising the mining code and adopting a law on local content in the mining sector.


The reforms aim at multiple developmental objectives for the country, such as strengthening national subcontracting, enhancing the value chain, promoting local entrepreneurship, wealth creation, and sustainable development.



The newly adopted mining code introduces several groundbreaking innovations, including transparency, fairness, environmental protection, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


The new law on local content seeks to boost the integration of nationals into the mining activity value chain.


It mandates quotas for the participation of local businesses and Malian workers in mining projects, ensuring that economic benefits remain in the country and directly benefit the population.


Colonel Assimi Goita’s initiated reforms represent a pivotal moment in Mali’s management of its mineral resources.


By promoting inclusion and sustainable development, these measures ensure that the country’s natural wealth genuinely contributes to improving the living conditions of all Malians.


Mali is thus positioning itself as a beacon of responsible and equitable mining governance in Africa.

Neil Camara