Mali/Economy: The country is counting on the contribution of the Malian diaspora

For the social and economic development of Mali, the authorities are relying on the active and effective involvement of the Malian diaspora. This approach is seen as a key means to accelerate Mali’s economic transformation for the benefit of all Malians.

To achieve this, it is essential to mobilize Malian citizens living abroad.

The creation and operationalization of the Diaspora Skills Mobilization Program Platform for Employment in Mali aligns with this enlightened vision.

It aims to gather all Malians, including those residing abroad, around development projects through entrepreneurship, job creation, and wealth generation.

According to the country’s authorities, Mali possesses immense human, intellectual, and financial potential through its diaspora.

The program is designed to further maximize the contribution of these compatriots living abroad to the sustainable development of their homeland.

This platform initiative is primarily focused on connecting Malian experts from the diaspora with public and private structures in Mali.

The goal is to facilitate a skills exchange geared towards professional training in key economic sectors.

It is important to note that the Malian diaspora, like those of other countries, plays a crucial role in investment within the country.

Historically, the diaspora has always played an important and significant role in Mali’s development.

The transitional authorities’ vision is to transform this diaspora into a true pillar of social development and economic growth for the nation.

Neil Camara