Benin: Patrice Talon firmly closes the debate on a third term, asserting, ‘Benin is a different country; we have turned that page

 The President of Benin  Patrice Talon faced the press on Thursday, February 8, at the Palais de la Marina, addressing various topics, including the third term issue. On this matter, the position of the Beninese Head of State was unequivocal—there will be no third term, and no aspect of the Beninese constitution will be altered, he assured.

President Patrice Talon has no intention of breaking barriers to secure a third term at the helm of the country.

Having already expressed his stance on the topic that had previously fueled political debates in Benin, the Beninese leader reiterated this Thursday his opposition to any revision of the constitution in any form.

«I do not want any amendment to a single comma of the constitution. I have told the ruling party’s MPs. I am not requesting any revision», reassured Patrice Talon.

With this declaration, the businessman has dispelled the uncertainty that lingered over his intentions following the government’s introduction of a bill to parliament proposing a constitutional revision, initiated by the “Bloc Républicain” party’s deputy Assan Séibou.

Several voices had risen, attributing to him the desire to modify the texts to remain in power.

During this media briefing, the Beninese leader also addressed other matters of national interest and discussed the crises currently affecting the sub-region.

Regarding the situation in Niger, the President indicated that discussions are underway with the Nigerien authorities.

 If all goes well, he assured, the borders between the two states will be open for the happiness of the citizens of both countries within the coming weeks.