Chad: The authorities claim to have foiled a coup d’état

In Chad, authorities have detained 80 individuals, including military personnel, who are now under judicial scrutiny on suspicion of attempting a coup against the government.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces announced on Friday, January 19, 2024, in a statement that they had thwarted an attempt to destabilize the institutions of the Republic.

According to the army’s high command, the incident dates back to Friday, January 12, 2024.

Thanks to the vigilance of the General Directorate of Military Intelligence (DGRM), arrests were made early in the morning of that Friday in the designated sector.

On that day, a group of individuals within a movement known as M3M was allegedly planning insurrectionary actions in the Toukra district of the capital on the following Saturday.

According to information from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the group resorted to marabouts and other charlatans, conducting rituals involving the sacrifice of chickens, goats, sheep, and even a man. The latter was a sentinel at a hardware store in the Toukra district, found decapitated.

Based on DGRM investigations, the group is led by Lieutenant Kouroumta Levana Guelemi.

He and his commando have reportedly admitted to the allegations, according to the DGRM. They were handed over to the justice system on January 19 to determine their fate.

It is noteworthy that this is the second time individuals accused of attempting to destabilize the Republic’s institutions have been arrested.

 In December 2022, a group of officers and a civilian were apprehended for similar reasons. They were sentenced to 20 years in prison in May 2023 and later pardoned the same month by the Head of State, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno.

Read again/ Chad: Prime Minister Succès Masra unveils his government programme