Impact of French Troop Withdrawal: AES Sahel States forge ahead in the fight against terrorism

No one can deny the significant impact of the withdrawal of French troops from the Sahel, which has experienced socio-political upheavals in recent years. This change, marked by the rise of military regimes to power and the legitimate will of the people in this region, has been the catalyst for the rupture between the Sahel states AES (Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger) and France.

It is evident. Firstly, the departure of French troops has been beneficial in the fight against terrorism, as it has allowed these countries to have a clearer perspective on this war.

Secondly, it has had a considerable impact on the states of the Sahel Economic and Monetary Union (AES) in their quest for complete sovereignty.

In Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, military regimes have reassessed their security situation and taken drastic measures with the support of their people to reach the current stage in the fight against terrorist groups, which now have no escape.

To achieve this, it has not been easy for these countries. They have faced adversities, power struggles with the former colonial power (France), and the ECOWAS, which should rather support Presidents Ibrahim Traoré, Assimi Goïta, and Abdourahamane Tiani in their efforts to guarantee security, peace, and a better life for their citizens.

Sacrifices and efforts have been made on political, economic, military, and social fronts.

On the other hand, unity and solidarity among these three countries have been decisive in this struggle.

In summary, the departure of France has positively impacted the Sahel in the fight against terrorism.

This departure from the Sahel is a failure for Emmanuel Macron, who continues his maneuvers to destabilize the region

Maurice K. ZONGO