Burkina-Faso: National solidarity spreads panic among terrorists

In Burkina Faso, authorities announced on Friday a deduction of 25% from workers’ bonuses, in addition to a 1% cut from net salaries and a 5% cut from ministerial salaries to fund the ongoing fight against terrorism. These financial means will be mobilized to support the Volunteers for the Safeguard of the Homeland (VDP), create new units, and provide the army with state-of-the-art equipment.

During the council meeting on Friday, the Minister of Economy publicly disclosed President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s decision to make deductions from the net salaries of workers and ministers.

The Minister stated, «These deductions aim to improve the equipment of the fighting forces and increase the bonus for the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), which now rises from 60,000 CFA francs to 80,000 CFA francs».

He further emphasized, «We need to quickly end this war, and we genuinely ask for the support of public and private sector workers so that we can mobilize together to face the situation».

Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s call was favourably received by the majority of Burkinabes, who now understand that the battlefield is not an amusement park.

Armed terrorists continuously violate the integrity of the territory, necessitating substantial resources for the combat forces to motivate them to eliminate the threat.

Upon the announcement of the President’s decision, who has foregone his salary since coming to power, state employees and citizens expressed their support.

Some even called for the authorities to make the measure mandatory for all workers without exception.

Many Burkinabes applaud the decision of the Transition President. This new salary deduction operation is part of the war effort, allowing an increase in the VDP and army personnel, renewal of equipment, and adequate training for new recruits.

On the other hand, the massive support of the Burkinabe people for the President’s decision is bad news for terrorists. This national momentum will lead to the accelerated reorganization of the Burkinabe National Armed Forces against enemy attacks.

Five new Rapid Intervention Battalions (BIR) and a Republican Guard will be established.

The creation of these units is a result of collective efforts to contribute massively to the war effort to definitively rid our territory of the terrorist horde.

Congratulations to the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the members of the transitional government, and the people for their sacrifice worthy of a patriot.

Maurice K. ZONGO