Security Situation in WAEMU: Dakar to Host 6th High-Level Committee Meeting on Peace and Security

On Friday, November 24, 2023, Dakar, Senegal, will host the 6th meeting of the High-Level Committee on the Peace and Security initiative within the WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) region.

Under the presidency of Senegal’s Head of State, Macky Sall, this meeting will bring together the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Security, and Finance from the eight WAEMU member states, along with the Heads of Union Institutions.

The objective is to analyze the security situation within WAEMU member states and assess the implementation of the Framework Agreement on Security and Intelligence Cooperation among the Union countries.

Given the multiple and complex security challenges faced by WAEMU member states, the Heads of State and Government adopted an Additional Act on October 24, 2013, establishing the common policy of WAEMU in the fields of peace and security.

In this context, a Framework agreement on Security and Intelligence Cooperation among  member states  of this economic Union was signed on April 26, 2018.

The committee will also examine the conclusions of the 3rd edition of consultations on peace, security, and development in border areas.