Togo: President Faure Gnassingbé introduces regulations to enhance the Transport sector

During the weekly session of the Council of Ministers held over the weekend and chaired by the President of Togo, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, four draft decrees were examined. One major decree pertains to the regulation of motor vehicles such as taxis, motorcycle taxis, and tricycles used for public transportation.

This decree aligns with the law passed on December 27, 2022, aimed at improving the overall transportation framework in the country.

 Developed in collaboration with representatives from professional organizations, the decree outlines several obligations, including the requirement for operators of public transportation vehicles to obtain a license issued by the Ministry responsible for road transport.

It also introduces the necessity of obtaining a transport permit issued by local authorities for the specified vehicles.

As stated in the final communique, this regulation is designed to ensure better organization of public transportation in Togo, enhance the professionalism of sector actors, provide clear identification of taxis and their operational areas, and improve road safety and passenger comfort.

Individuals currently engaged in public transportation services via taxis, motorcycle taxis, or tricycles have a grace period of twenty-four months to comply with the new provisions.

The Council of Ministers also reviewed three other draft decrees, including one regarding the «creation, organization, and operation of the transportation coordination framework», the «rules for establishing professional leagues within national sports federations», and the establishment of the Social Sector Support Fund (FASS).

The decree for creating the FASS aims to centralize resources designated for funding social sector needs, ensuring the availability of these resources and transparency in their utilization.

The FASS consists of two components: a fund to support national universal health coverage and a fund to support programs and projects with social significance, fully or partially funded by the state.