Burkina Faso: The country of upright men affirms its international commitment to its sovereignty at the UN

Burkina Faso has once again distinguished itself on the international stage by actively participating in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA. This demonstration of the Burkinabe government’s commitment to national sovereignty was evident from the start of the general debate, in the presence of the Minister of State, Bassolma Bazié.

The Burkinabe delegation is led by the Minister of State, Minister for the Civil Service, Labour and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, who is also the representative of His Excellency the President, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

This highly qualified team also includes the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Olivia R. Rouamba, as well as the ministers responsible for the Economy, Health and the Environment, and experts and executives from the Administration.

The  Burkina Faso  Minister of State, Bassolma Bazié, will deliver Burkina Faso’s official statement at the UN General Debate, where each country presents its vision of the world and its concerns.

This crucial intervention will take place on Saturday, marking Burkina Faso’s presence and influence in global debates.

On the sidelines of the General Assembly, the Minister of State will grant important audiences, notably to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, thus strengthening Burkina Faso’s international relations.

He will also take an active part in a ministerial meeting of African Member States on «Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Institution Building to Address the Evolving Threat of Terrorism in Africa», underlining the country’s ongoing commitment to the fight against terrorism in Africa.

Nor will the Minister of State miss the ministerial meeting of the G77 and China, where key discussions on global issues will take place.

Finally, a warm meeting with the Burkinabe community living in the United States is planned, strengthening ties with the Burkinabe diaspora abroad.

Maiga DAO