Snoop Dogg harbors a genuine fear of horses

Everyone has their own phobias, and like everyone else, 51-year-old author, composer, actor, and entrepreneur Snoop Dogg recently revealed his fear of horses during an episode of his show “GGN: Snoop Dogg’s Double G News Network.”

«I’m actually afraid of horses», the rapper said, as reported by the American Newspaper People. During a conversation with actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish, he explained why he avoids any interaction with these animals.

«You’ve never seen me in a scene with a horse», he emphasized, referring to the numerous music videos and movies he has been a part of.

«I’ve worked with ostriches, iguanas, and all sorts of weird things, but never with a horse», he added, expressing his need to stay away from these majestic creatures.

When asked about the reason for this phobia, the artist confessed, «I don’t know why! » However, he seems open to the idea of overcoming his fear someday.

«Maybe someday someone can introduce me to a baby horse, a little donkey, or something like that that I could learn to be around», he said.

Ironically, in 2021, Snoop Dogg made waves by humorously commentating on an equestrian event at the Tokyo Olympics, alongside actor Kevin Hart.

During this humor-filled segment, he compared equestrian dressage to hip-hop dance moves, remarks that were not exactly endorsed by the Equestrian Federation.