Burkina-Faso: Dialogue would be a sign of capitulation to France, long live resistance! (the people)

Negotiate and dialogue with France and the terrorists would be a sign of capitulation to France.

Indeed, why give a platform to a fugitive (Djibril Bassolé) in the aftermath of the Koumbri attack, when for more than a month the government has managed to avert the threat of terrorism in Burkina-Faso? Why negotiate if the strategic operations carried out by the defence forces under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Burkina-Faso, have restored peace?

These are just some of the questions being asked by the people, who see this interview with former foreign minister Djibril Bassolé as a betrayal.

For the people of Burkina Faso, the Koumbri attack, in which more than fifty soldiers and volunteers for the defence of the homeland were killed and several wounded, and the minister’s interview are linked.

This is the kind of propaganda that the Head of State is also denouncing by referring to the closure of certain radio stations.

Was this proposal to «negotiate with the terrorists» made to a member of the new transitional government?

Or could it be that France is still supplying these armed groups, as always, to sow chaos, given the failure of its many plans to destabilise Burkina-Faso?

No possibility should be ruled out. According to the people of Burkina Faso, only resistance can keep the jihadists at bay.

And the people, who have shown their resilience, must be stronger and more united behind the President and the army, who are sparing no effort to ensure the country’s stability.

No negotiations with terrorists. This would be a sign of capitulation in front of France which sponsors the jihadists.

The “all military” approach has proved its worth. The war against the jihadists will have to continue and be more intense because the determination, commitment and dedication of all a people can eliminate all kinds of threats.

Maiga DAO