Burkina Faso: End of programme for television channels promoting homosexuality

Burkina Faso is keeping a constant eye on the population, especially young people, and on their education, including the values to be inculcated in them. In a highly commendable decision, the country has just banned television channels  promoting homosexuality, obscene practices and counter-values from broadcasting.

In a press release issued on Thursday 24 August 2023, the High Council for Communication (CSC) has sounded the alarm.

The decision to make an end to the television channels promoting homosexuality was taken following the resurgence of audiovisual programmes accessible to minors and exposing them to scenes of homosexuality, pornography or violence.

According to the decision, homosexual content or scenes are banned from programmes broadcast on television channels aimed at children and teenagers.

«Television channels intended for children and adolescents are exempt from any content or scene of a homosexual nature», states the note from the CSC.

At the same time, the media regulator invites publishers, distributors of audiovisual services, broadcasting operators and parents to «effectively implement this decision».

 Its «essential purpose remains the protection of young people from media content that is inappropriate for their age, our values and our morals».

In addition to this government measure, it is  also vital for parents to remain attentive to their children’s education.

Olivier Toe