Benin / Military intervention in Niger: The opposition puffs itself up and asks questions!

In the member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), opposition parties are questioning a possible military intervention in Niger. In Benin, «Les Démocrates» party, a major opposition player, has issued a series of verbal questions to the government. Although the National Assembly is in parliamentary recess until September, the list of questions was made public on Monday 14 August, in a tone of questioning.

The introduction to the questions from the Beninese Democrats begins with a clear accusation: «Involving Benin in a conflict against the brotherly and sovereign people of Niger constitutes a violation of the Beninese Constitution».

The questions then follow: «Does the government intend to consult parliament before taking any action? How many Beninese soldiers will be mobilised? How much money is earmarked for their bonuses? What assistance will be given to their families in the event of their death at the front? What measures does the government plan to take to ensure the safety of Beninese living in Niger? Is the establishment of Mohamed Bazoum’s power considered a higher priority than the well-being of the people? »

Some of the nineteen questions asked relate to the economic sanctions imposed on Niamey following the coup d’état. Last but not least, «Why does this institution firmly condemn military coups while tolerating institutional overthrows»?

Martin Fantodji