Togo: Mango sector / The government announces a five-year investment plan of 1.715 billion CFA francs

Togo is primarily an agricultural country, and the production of grafted mangoes has gained momentum in recent decades, with grafted mango trees becoming noticeable in many urban and even rural areas.

The trade of grafted mangoes is also a thriving reality in Togo and is described as highly profitable.

Additionally, there is artisanal or industrial mango processing in the country. However, the cultivation and production of grafted mangoes in Togo have been threatened in recent years by persistent fruit rot.

Moreover, access to financing for development operations is a necessity for all economic operators, including those in the mango sector.

In order to support the producers of this fruit and promote the development of the sector, which employs hundreds of people, the Ministry in charge of agriculture has just developed an investment plan. The plan involves injecting 1.715 billion into the sector over a five-year period.

Through this funding, the government aims to strengthen the productive, organizational, and governance capacities of the mango sector in Togo.

This will foster an increase in the income of the sector’s stakeholders and reduce poverty. This objective aligns with the vision of the President Faure Gnassingbé, whose actions are strongly focused on social and sustainable development.

Yoann Amouzou