Burkina Faso: A convoy returning from Djibo falls into an ambush. A plot guided by certain Burkinabe individuals

A convoy returning from Djibo falls into an ambush.  This is a plot guided by certain Burkinabe individuals.  Actually, mercenarism takes place after the firepower of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and Volunteer Defense Forces (VDP) against terrorists. Having destroyed several positions and bases of the terrorists, which undermined the organization of the terrorists and their political sponsors, a diabolical plan orchestrated to manipulate the Burkinabe people once again took place on the Djibo road.

A convoy returning from Djibo was targeted, resulting in damage and several loss of lives.

According to information gathered over several days, the enemies of Burkina Faso have decided to change their modus operandi by resorting to mercenary activities. The ongoing investigation into the ambush of the Djibo convoy reveals secrets.

Indeed, according to this information, since the announcement of the people’s mobilization on July 1st in support of President of the MPSR, His Excellency Ibrahim Traoré, the terrorists have received orders from their political sponsors and French military stationed at the Niger border to bring sorrow to the Burkinabe people.

Several actions will be carried out to subsequently establish manipulation.

The same information indicates that accomplices within the population have directed these actions from Djibo.

This an ongoing matter to be followed.

Moussa Namalou