Burkina Faso: Colonel Boukaré ZOUNGRANA receives a batch of equipment worth 102 million CFA francs, donated by China

Colonel Boukaré ZOUNGRANA, the Minister of Territorial Administration, of Decentralization and security of Burkina Faso, presided over, on Tuesday, May 9th, in Ouagadougou, the equipment handover ceremony for the benefit of his department.

This is a batch of digital investigation equipment worth a total of eighty-four million (84,000,000) CFA francs for the Central Brigade for the Fight Against Cybercrime (BCLCC) and twenty-eight (28) ALOBA-type motorcycles, worth eighteen million (18,000,000) CFA francs for the Ministry, which were handed over to the head of the Burkinabe security department by the People’s Republic of China.

The Chinese Ambassador to Burkina Faso, H.E. Lu Shan, stated that his country has always supported Burkina Faso’s efforts in fighting terrorism, consolidating peace and socio-economic development.

He believes that this donation will help strengthen the country’s ability to fight crime and tackle terrorist threats effectively.

«On May 26th, marks the 5th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and Burkina Faso, and I can assure you that my country is willing to create a new program to take into account the real needs of the Burkinabe people in their fight for development. The People’s Republic of China firmly believes that with the joint efforts of both parties, the development prospects of both countries will be better with more fruitful results», emphasized H.E. Lu Shan.

Colonel Boukaré ZOUNGRANA stated that the equipment donation to the Ministry in charge of security is in line with the vision of the Burkinabe authorities who are committed to taking action against terrorism.

«He said, these supports we are receiving will strengthen the working conditions of the beneficiaries of my department ».

Therefore, on behalf of the Burkinabe Government and all beneficiaries, he expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Chinese Government for its constant commitment to supporting Burkina Faso in the fight against insecurity.

He also reassured His Excellency Mr. Lu Shan of the efficient use of the equipment received.
