Burkina Faso: African actors, received by Captain Ibrahim Traoré

The African Network of Personal Data Protection Authorities was at the Presidency of Burkina Faso, On Wednesday. A delegation of this network led by its President, Mrs. Patricia Adusei-Poku went had an audience with the president of Transition and Head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

During the meeting, the President of the network, who is also the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority of Ghana, presented their association to the Head of State.

The African Network of Personal Data Protection Authorities was created in 2016 in Ouagadougou on the sidelines of the African Forum on Personal Data Protection.

The delegation thanked the President of the Transition for the honor and interest he has shown in the issue of personal data protection in Africa.

The President of the Commission on Information Technology and Freedoms (CIL in French), Mrs. Marguerite Ouedraogo/Bonane, explained that this meeting with the Head of State is part of the International Conference on the Protection of Personal Data, which is taking place simultaneously in Ouagadougou with the 6th General Assembly of the African Network of Personal Data Protection Authorities.

«During the 48 hours of the conference, we will discuss and exchange ideas on topics related to the protection of personal data. Experts from different backgrounds will give lectures and the exchanges will be very enriching», said the President of the CIL of Burkina Faso, the host country of the conference.

Following the conference, the 24 member countries of the African Network of Personal Data Protection Authorities will hold their 6th General Assembly to «harmonize our views in order to propose solutions to avoid the pitfalls of new technologies».

Yannick H