Burkina Faso:  Ecowas joins itself to France to penalize unduly the transition

Another French manipulation: the massacre in Karma. And this time, the ECOWAS under Umaro Sissoco Embalo, is the puppet of France to sanction the transition of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the President of the patriotic Movemement for saveguard and restoration and Burkinabe Head of State.

The end of April 2023 in Burkina Faso was marked by a distressing incident cooked up by France and its damned terrorists. An incident which, thanks to the competence of Burkina Faso’s intelligence service and the forces engaged in the fight against terrorism, had a less catastrophic turn than expected by France.

According to information from reliable security sources, France, while knowing that the Forces and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland were heading to the locality of Karma (North of the country) as part of anti-terrorism operations, provided military uniforms of the FDS to about ten terrorists.

The latter went to this locality in the country with the aim of massacring the entire population in the image and name of the FDS and VDP.

This operational strategy by France is already known in several African countries. Indeed, the massacre in Karma occurred five days after the attack in Aoréma (a department of Ouahigouya, province of Yatenga in the northern region, located in the immediate vicinity of the village of Karma), which resulted in the death of several soldiers.

Thus, France arranged for this massacre of civilians by terrorists to take place in Karma, in order to make the Burkinabe people, the entire African community, and international organizations believe that it was committed by the FDS and VDP in retaliation for the attack in Aoréma.

Like the ECOWAS, which has the right to order a deployment of military or political means (such as sanctioning authorities), France has aligned itself with the current ECOWAS President, Mr. Umaro Sissoco Embalo, to target Burkina Faso.

 Mr Embalo, being Peul like most of the terrorists in Burkina Faso, is preparing to sanction the Forces engaged in this war, on behalf of ECOWAS.

A very obvious plot! In fact, it is well-known that France has the power to control the decision-making of these large international organizations that are always ready to validate plans for the destruction and destabilization of a country, drawn up by their allies, rather than sanctioning their repetitive barbarism behind closed doors.

Will France continue to put obstacles in the way of African countries seeking self-reliance and taking control of their own destinies for the development of their countries? Enough is enough!!! At some point, France will have to stop its practices in order not to end up as a miserable failure.

As for its manipulations against Burkina Faso, it has no chance of winning. The African people are clearly behind this country and are ready to support the regime of Captain Ibrahim Traoré so that the country can definitively rid itself of the terrorist threat.

Therefore, a large-scale investigation has been launched by the Burkinabe justice system to put an end to this new French manipulation.

Nicky Bonsafo