Niger/Transition: No time for sceptics in the fight for sovereignty and prosperity (President TIANI)

In a recent public address, the transitional president of Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani, made it clear that there is no time to entertain doubts or those who, after a year under the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), still fail to recognize the strides being made.


His message was firm: Niger’s focus is on those who believe in the mission of the transition and the country’s sovereignty, not on appeasing skeptics or those swayed by external manipulation.


General Tiani outlined the core objectives of the transition: ensuring Niger’s sovereignty, fostering socio-economic development, and achieving prosperity for all Nigeriens.


He emphasized that the priority is to reassure and rally those who are committed to these goals, rather than trying to convince the doubtful.


In his view, the actions of the transitional government will ultimately prove their worth, leaving no alternative but for the skeptics to align themselves with Niger’s path forward.


Despite ongoing efforts by detractors to undermine the progress made since the pivotal events of July 26, 2023, Tiani noted the resilience and determination of the Nigerien people.


The government has remained steadfast in its pursuit of the goals that motivated the transition, particularly the fight for national sovereignty.


Significant steps have already been taken, such as breaking away from previous agreements that limited Niger’s ability to control its destiny and address security challenges.


Observers acknowledge the positive impact of these efforts, particularly in reducing the frequency and severity of terrorist attacks that had plagued the country.


The transitional government has also made strides in addressing the humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the ECOWAS embargo and external pressures, ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to food and healthcare.


Looking ahead, the government is driving ambitious projects in agriculture, aiming for food self-sufficiency, while taking control of the mining sector to boost the national economy.


These initiatives are part of a broader vision for the development of Niger, but success hinges on the unity and determination of all Nigeriens.


Only through collective effort can the country emerge from its current challenges, free from the grips of terrorism and imperialism, and chart a path toward lasting stability and prosperity.


Fayçal BADIE