Burkina Faso accelerates infrastructure development under President Traoré

On Wednesday, President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, led a strategic Council of Ministers meeting, where key decisions were made to advance the country’s infrastructure and economic development. The government approved two major reports, underscoring its commitment to modernizing the national road network and strengthening logistics capabilities.
One of the approved projects focuses on the Sikasso-Korhogo-Bobo-Dioulasso (SKBO) corridor, a vital trade route linking Burkina Faso with Mali and Côte d’Ivoire.
Designed to enhance regional integration, this initiative will improve the movement of people and goods while boosting cross-border economic activities.
Another critical measure validated during the meeting involves upgrading infrastructure essential for economic support, particularly the construction of storage facilities for the National Food Security Stock Management Company (SONAGESS).
This initiative aims to bolster food security and optimize the management of strategic grain reserves, a crucial step in enhancing the country’s resilience against crises.
Additionally, the government approved the first phase of work on National Road No. 11 (RN11), covering 115 kilometers between Banfora, Sidéradougou, and Ouo.
This investment is expected to improve rural accessibility, stimulate agricultural and commercial activities, and open up remote regions to better integrate them into the national economy.