février 22, 2025

Guinea-Bissau: Political Instability, Deep Fractures in the Heart of the State… Dark Days Ahead for Umaro Sissoco Embalo

The President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo, this other valet of France is in great trouble. Having come to power in 2020, it has already been the subject of a coup. The first, two years after his arrival at the head of the country (February 2022) and the second, less than two years after the first, just recently (1 December 2023).

The reasons? The bad governance of the country established in good standing by President Sissoco, its foreign policy, especially its relations with France criticized by the people. To this is added the deep fractures in the heart of the State. And the recent clashes between the National Guard and the presidential guard causing two deaths, illustrate this chronic political instability that the country has known since its independence in 1974.

The situation is likely to get bogged down if Embalo Sissoco dissolves the parliament with a majority of the opposition and executes the reprisals he has planned against his critics. The history of Burkina, Niger and others is likely to repeat itself, to the delight of the people who want to free themselves from the yoke of France that President Sissoco is working to maintain.

Moreover, the Bissau-Guinean people must wake up and take their destiny in hand, as the valiant people of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali did, with the support of the National Guard and the opposition. The future of Guinea-Bissau depends on it.


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