Burkina faso: Six months spent at the head of his country; the captain Ibrahim Traore received applauses from his populations

Captain Ibrahim Traoré has enough demonstrated that he doesn’t necessarily need any external assistance before starting his fight against terrorists in Burkina Faso. His actions and state of mind prove that he is a worthy son of Faso, who cares about the future of his country and its people. President Ibrahim Traoré has held meetings with the country’s key stakeholders to create harmony for a collective victory.
There is a high number of internal displaced persons due to the terrorism. Despite the difficult access to these areas, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his fearless men confronted the terrorists with overwhelming victory. Several terrorist leaders were killed and the terrorists’ means of transportation were destroyed. Former inaccessible areas are now supplied with food.
The interim president of Burkina Faso has expelled all imperialist partners who seek to impose their laws on his territory. For instance, we have the French ambassador in Ouagadougou, the French troops who supported the terrorists. French media such as RFI and France24, which spread false information about Burkina, have had their doors closed. Captain Ibrahim Traoré will not tolerate any media that promotes terrorism.
The president of the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (MPSR) plans to diversify his partnerships for an effective fight against jihadists. The government has recently approved the resumption of diplomatic relations with North Korea. Through this cooperation, North Korea will provide military equipment and supplies to Burkina Faso.
Captain Ibrahim Traoré can still rely on the support of the population. « We support Traoré because he is a patriot who embodies a break. He knows how to listen to the streets», launched a Burkinabe citizen. Captain Ibrahim Traoré has taken strong actions within six months; an exploit that his predecessors could not achieve. Some Burkinabe citizens do not hesitate to compare him to Thomas Sankara.