mars 9, 2025

Burkina Faso: Review of the meeting between H.E. Kyelem de Tambela and the head of foreign affairs in Faso, Ms Corina Sanders.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambela, met early this evening with the head of foreign affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America in Burkina Faso, Corina Sanders. The two personalities reviewed the cooperation between the two countries.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambela, is convinced that the United States of America « can do better » in the fight against terrorism in Burkina Faso.

According to him, if Uncle Sam’s country went to the moon and plans to go to Mars, then it sees everything that happens on earth from the sky.

« The United States of America must inform us of the movement of terrorists. We are convinced that if the United States of America is frankly engaged with us, the problem of terrorism will be solved, » he said.

In response to the concern about the respect of the electoral calendar raised by Mrs Corina Sanders, the Prime Minister said that « the change in the leadership of our country is linked to terrorism ».

« That is why this existential struggle is by far our priority, well before the elections. For we must survive first so that institutional life can then have a meaning. It is therefore futile to think that we can build institutions in such a context, as is the case in Ukraine today, or Germany during the Second World War; the establishment of the electoral file is problematic, » explained the Prime Minister.

In any case, Dr. Kyelem, a teacher as well as a lawyer, did not fail to educate the United States and its allies: « you must help us to help you, in the end, because in this fight against the terrorist hydra, we are your shields in the sense that it is the Judeo-Christian ideology and Western capitalism that are the real target of these extremists who dream of controlling Atlantic navigation one day, if they are allowed to carry out their plan to the end.

Moreover, the United States of America has no problem with other allies that do not follow the same democratic pattern as it does, namely the monarchies of the West and the Middle East, the Prime Minister reminded the American diplomat.

Indeed, this same double standard that is observed with regard to Ukraine to the detriment of our country in terms of support, must evolve, because the world is linked, terrorism, without borders, the commitment must be total everywhere, without discrimination.

Expressing his disappointment at the suspension of the second Compact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the Head of Government pointed out to the American diplomat that this aid, whose beneficiaries are the people, should not constitute an object of blackmail, because regimes come and go, but the people remain.

Taking the floor again, the head of foreign affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America in Burkina Faso, Corina Sanders, stated that the suspension of the second MCC Compact and the exclusion of Burkina Faso from AGOA did not mean the end of the United States’ interventions in Burkina Faso.

However, she explained that « American laws are strict and require principles to be respected in the framework of our foreign aid », before indicating that her country supports the intervention units of the gendarmerie and the police, to the tune of 15 billion CFA francs, in the fight against terrorism.

Miss OLY

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