Togo: Signature of a financing agreement with the World Bank for three projects

The partnership between Togo and the World Bank continues to flourish, evidenced by the recent signing of three new financing agreements totaling $298 million (approximately 180 billion CFA francs) on Friday, July 12, 2024.


These funds are allocated to enhance electricity access, bolster public service delivery, and foster social cohesion.


In the past, the World Bank has financed several other projects in Togo, such as the Support Project for Reforms and Governance (PARG), aimed at strengthening institutional capacities and improving governance within Togolese public administrations.


The Infrastructure and Electricity Services Rehabilitation Project (PRISE) focused on rehabilitating and expanding electrical infrastructure to improve access to electricity in rural and urban areas.


The Community Development and Social Safety Nets Project (PDCplus) was designed to enhance the living conditions of vulnerable populations by funding community micro-projects and social safety net programs for poor households.


The Agricultural and Rural Development Project (ProDAR) aimed to increase agricultural productivity and improve the living conditions of farmers by providing training, improved seeds, and storage infrastructure to enhance food security.


During the recent financing agreement, the documents were signed by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Sani Yaya, and the Resident Representative of the World Bank, Fily Sissoko, at the presentation ceremony of the new partnership framework.


The World Bank-funded projects have already brought significant improvements in various sectors in Togo, and the three new projects promise to continue this positive trend.


By improving access to electricity, strengthening public service delivery, and promoting social cohesion, these initiatives are expected to have a lasting positive impact on the well-being of the Togolese population and contribute to the overall development of the country.

Kodjovi Makafui